Who's Going to Secure The Security Guards?

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9,003 Views 1 decade ago Fights

Seriously though, you can't have some dumb ass want to be's as security guards. That shit isn't going to work. These guys were just walking around with thier hands in thier pockets. What a j... Show more

  • frank n. stein September 5, 2017

    OMG! Pathetic pack of pussy animals!

  • intellexicon August 26, 2008

    this problem is only going to get worse , nearly 80% of black children born today are born into single parent homes, usually a drug addicted uneducated, mother who couldn't care less about her children, most will never know their fathers(hell the mothers aren't sure who the father is)in Detroit more than 80% of black teen boys drop out of high school before graduating, what else can they do, they've never had parents to teach them right from wrong, manners, common decency, to value human life(or anything) they can't even get a min. wage job without a HS diploma, the ONLY thing left is gangs & crime, tell me where I'm wrong

  • koochie_eater July 18, 2006

    Putang-Ina!!! paano naging security guards yang puro mga tanga!? pihado ko; puro kapwa ko flips yan! nagmaman-man kang walang baril!? paano kang naging sikyo kung wala kang baril!?...hhaaayyyy nnnaaakkkoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!

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