Crash And Burn

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6,604 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

These damn planes always just go up in flames. you never see one just wreck and get a little damaged. Makes you think a little.

  • cap-n_obvious July 23, 2006

    pablo your the last person i expected to hear that from the whole airlplanes are the safest form of transportation is the worst propoganda bullshit i've ever heard!! come on this is a convoluted interpretation of the data in the statistics where i admit yes you are more likely to get in a car accident then a plane crash but your a hell of a lot more likely to survive a car crash, do you hear what i'm saying? in almost any plane crash everyone dies!!!! but people only die in the most severe car crashes

  • tweek312 July 23, 2006

    The only thing I have left to say about this clip is that airplane manufacturers should be starting to concentrate on how we can eliminate death in plane crashes alltogether. Clearly we cant keep the limitations and variables of our natural world at bay; but maybe somtime in the future Boeing, Lockheed, McD, and all the bad boys of flight will make a plane that can save lives rather than just carry more people. Toughest part about planes is that most of the crashes happen either taking off or landing. I think pods would be really effective, sure a design with as many materials as using pods would require would be expensive, but perhaps just some day, the alloys and plastics, that we rely on in our cars and trucks to keep us safe will be engineered into every single airbus in the world!

  • youngblood48 July 22, 2006

    yep your day of reckoning is coming^^^^^^^^go to a indian casino....give them all your money so we can buy our land back after the big one....

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