Modesto Police Department released video of a shooting between officers and a male suspect, that left an officer in critical condition, ultimately leading him to have part of his right leg a...Modesto Police Department released video of a shooting between officers and a male suspect, that left an officer in critical condition, ultimately leading him to have part of his right leg amputated. The suspect was identified as 42-year-old Jesse James Brooks of Modesto. Officers say they initially pursued Joshua Harrington, 34, to the house after he drove away from police on a motorcycle. Police said officers obtained a warrant to search the home. During the search, Brooks started shooting at police and hit an officer identified as Michael Rokaitis. Officer Rokaitis spent 12 days in the ICU but is now in stable condition. Brooks was charged with three counts of attempted murder on a peace officer, multiple weapon violations, as well as an outstanding U.S. Marshall Warrant for a probation violation.
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GTA 6 looks litt
Typical Trump trash. And literal Trump trash you know there's MAGA gear in there somewhere.
shoulda tossed a Flash Bang