Just A Little Off

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5,465 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

Dude got some sick air. Too bad he didn't think about how or where he was going to land. I felt the bones breaking. Ouch!!

  • kill-a-nigga August 22, 2006


  • commoneagle August 22, 2006

    hate dogs must have gotten beat up by a few to many puppy dogs when he was a boy. are you parinoid of cats too. anyone who doesn't like animals is probably a psycho killer deep inside and god only knows what other issues

  • biggus_dickus August 22, 2006

    They should've let Chuck Norris do the jump. He would kicked away from the bike mid air, then did a double back flip and landed on his feet. Then he would've went into the crowd, found the finest bitch he could find and make sweet love to her on the landing ramp.

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