A Hard Day At Work

A Hard Day At Work
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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
33,333 Views 1 decade ago Extreme Content

It's been a long day at work, pouring cement and crushing motherfuckers who walk where they shouldn't be walking. Save the clean up crew some work, and just cover that dude with cement and m... Show more

  • moonsstarr June 2, 2014

    When you ignorantly mess with big trucks... you end up being big-time fucked... RIP young dude... I bet you were cute! (most young construction dudes are cuties...whatta waste...)

    *YES. I made an assumption that he was young b/c seasoned contruction workers wouldn't walk in front of that truck, , , like you don't walk behind a horse if you're experienced... unless, of course, you *want* to get your skull bashed in. Then by all means...

  • cellule May 15, 2014

    I hope the moped survived..

  • handsomedevil May 15, 2014

    hear about the thief who got hit by a cement truck? he became a hardened criminal.

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