April 14, 2023

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  •   gallo April 14, 2023

    Here the link to the rant for today, until the main page gets fixed


  •   cokeycane April 14, 2023

    Mexican Word of the Day: Budweiser

    She looks like a woman, budweiser panties have a burrito in them?

  •   maddog123 April 14, 2023

    Happy Jack

    You asked me yesterday for info on Chinese goverment buying land puting up bussnesses near milatary bases and sensitive goverment areas just google Chinese buying up farmland ,

    Also Google democrats now helping China to move to these ares by investing tax payers money to frigging build these bussnesses ! Just google dens spend 500M on Chinese manufacturing plants in mid western states ! Theirs a news article on fox of town meetings in Michigan folks raising hell over Chinese plants being built near bases and these plants are not being regulated by EPA

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