Maricopa Police Department responded to a call of a noise disturbance at a residence . The homeowner, identified as 38-year-old Brian Simmons, initially approach officers to shake their hand...Maricopa Police Department responded to a call of a noise disturbance at a residence . The homeowner, identified as 38-year-old Brian Simmons, initially approach officers to shake their hands and give them a hug. He then returns to the driveway where officers observe him grabbing a gun. Officers fires a non-lethal round and appears to hit Simmons. At that point, Simmons retreated into the house. Moments later, Simmons comes around to a side yard from the back of the house and fires one shotgun round. No one is hit. Police respond with a flurry of gunfire, at least 22 shots fired. SImmons was declared DOA.
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der hat doch nur geraucht und er sagt "I will shoot u" eindeutig die Polizei der MÖRDER wie immer die polizei tötet menschen grundlos, obwohl er keine waffe in der hand hatte und nur geraucht hat.... unglaublich. - cringe - was in usa abgeht
is this a yard sale or mental breakdown?
der hat doch nur geraucht und er sagt "I will shoot u" eindeutig die Polizei der MÖRDER wie immer die polizei tötet menschen grundlos, obwohl er keine waffe in der hand hatte und nur geraucht hat.... unglaublich. - cringe - was in usa abgeht
Fuck that douche. Poor dog :/